Chiou Tze-kuei | Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Chiou Tze-kuei
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
CHIOU Tze-Kuei
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University
Chiou T‐k
National Taiwan Ocean Univ. Keelung Twn
Chiou Tze-kuei
Affiliation: Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
JIANG Shann-Tzong
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University
Jiang Shann-tzong
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Jiang S‐t
National Taiwan Ocean Univ. Keelung Twn
Jiang Shann-tzong
Affiliation: Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
SHIAU Chyuan-Yuan
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University
Shiau Chyuan-yuan
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
PONG Ching-Yung
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University
Pong Ching-yung
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Lai M‐m
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Shiau C‐y
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Lai Meng-mei
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Nieh Fang-pei
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Chen Mei-ling
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Huang Jui-peng
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
LAI Meng-Mei
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University
LAN Huei-Ling
Department of Fisheries Technology, Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute
Lan H‐l
Fisheries Res. Inst. Keelung Twn
Chen M‐l
National Taiwan Ocean Univ. Keelung Twn
Huang J‐p
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Chiou Tze-kuei
Department Of Marine Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
HO Ming-Lang
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University,
Ho Ming-lang
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University
Tsao Ching-yu
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
TZENG Shinn-Shuenn
Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management, Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science
Department of Sea Food Science, National Kaohsiung Marine University
CHANG Hwong-Kwang
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University,
LO Leah
Department of Food Science, China College of Marine Technology and Commerce,
Yin Li-jung
Department Of Food Science China College Of Marine Technology And Commerce
Lo Leah
Department Of Food Science China College Of Marine Technology And Commerce
Lan Huei-ling
Seafood Technology Division Fisheries Research Institute
LIN Jen-Fuei
Department of Marine Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University,
Lin Jen-fuei
Department Of Marine Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Shiau Chyuan-yuan
Department Of Marine Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Chang Hwong-kwang
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University
Tzeng Shinn-shuenn
Department Of Hotel & Restaurant Management Chia-nan University Of Pharmacy & Science
Tsai Cyun-yu
Department Of Food Science National Taiwan Ocean University
Laiand Meng-Mei
Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University
- Effect of met-myoglobin reductase on the color stability of blue fin tuna during refrigerated storage
- Purification and characterization of metmyoglobin reductase from ordinary muscle of blue-fin tuna
- Effect of polyethylene package on the metmyoglobin reductase activity and color of tuna muscle during low temperature storage
- Enhancement of the expression of ice-nucleation activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens MACK-4 isolated from mackerel
- Properties of extracellular ice-nucleating substances from Pseudomonas fluorescens MACK-4 and its effect on the freezing of some food materials
- Extractive component changes in the foot muscle of live small abalone during storage
- Seasonal variations of chemical constituents in the muscle and viscera of small abalone fed different diets
- Changes in chemical constituents and physical indices during processing of dried-seasoned squid
- Changes in Extractive Components and Glycogen in the Edible Meat of Hard Clam Meretrix lusoria During Storage at Different Temperatures
- Comparison of taste components in cooked meats of small abalone fed different diets
- Biochemical changes in the abdominal muscle of mud crab Scylla serrata during storage
- Chemical, physical and sensory changes of small abalone meat during cooking
- Chemical constituents in the abdominal muscle of cultured mud crab Scylla serrata in relation to seasonal variation and maturation