Extension of Breast Cancer: Comparison of CT and MRI
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Miyazaki University
Wakamatsu Hideyuki
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
Akiyama Futoshi
Department of Surgery and Pathology, Cancer Institute
Tamura Shozo
Department Of Radiology School Of Medicine Miyazaki University
Tamura Shozo
Department Of Radiaology Miyazaki Medical College
Watanabe Ryoji
Breastopia Namba Hospital Breastopia Medical Corporation
Department of Radiology, Miyazaki Medical College
NAMBA Kiyoshi
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Breastopia Medical Corporation
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Breastopia Medical Corporation
SHIROUZU Mitsunori
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Breastopia Medical Corporation
MATSU Takafumi
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Breastopia Medical Corporation
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Breastopia Medical Corporation
IFUKU Hiromi
Department of Radiology, Miyazaki Medical College
Department of Radiology, Miyazaki Medical College
Wakamatsu Hideyuki
Department Of Radiology Fujimoto Hayasuzu Hospital
Nakahara Mayumi
Department Of Radiology Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences
Ifuku Hiromi
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
Namba Kiyoshi
Division Of Breast Surgical Oncology Breastopia Nanba Hospital
Matsu Takafumi
Department Of Anesthesiology Miyazaki Medical College
Akiyama Futoshi
Department Of Breast Pathology Cancer Institute Hospital
Akiyama Futoshi
Department Of Breast Pathology Cancer Institute And Hospital Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Namba Kiyoshi
Breastopia Namba Hospital Breastopia Medical Corporation
Namba Kiyoshi
Breastpia Namba Hospital
Tanaka Chiaki
Division Of Breast Surgical Oncology Breastopia Nanba Hospital
Furusawa Hidemi
Breastpia Namba Hospital
Shirouzu Mitsunori
Breastopia Namba Hospital Breastopia Medical Corporation
Nakahara Hiroshi
Breastpia Namba Hospital
Tamura Shozo
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College Miyazaki University
Nakahara Hiroshi
Breastopia Namba Hospital Breastopia Medical Corporation
Furusawa Hidemi
Breastopia Namba Hospital Breastopia Medical Corporation
Furusawa Hidemi
Breastopia Namba Hospital
Miyati Tosiaki
Division Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa University
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