Clinicopathological study of invasive ductal carcinoma with large central acellular zone : Special reference to magnetic resonance imaging findings
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-01-01
Kage Masayoshi
Department Of Pathology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Kojiro Masamichi
Department Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology Kinki University School Of Medicine
FUJII Teruhiko
Department of Pathology, Kurume University School of Medicine
NAMBA Kiyoshi
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Breastopia Medical Corporation
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Breastopia Medical Corporation
Breastopia Namba Hospital, Breast Medical Corporation
YANO Hirohisa
Department of Pathology, Kurume University School of Medicine
Kurume Daiichi Social Insurance Hospital
Kurume Daiichi Social Insurance Hospital
Kurume Daiichi Social Insurance Hospital
Yano Hirohisa
Department Of Pathology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Department of Chest Surgery, National Kyushu Cancer Center
Namba Kiyoshi
Division Of Breast Surgical Oncology Breastopia Nanba Hospital
Tayama Kohsuke
Department Of Chest Surgery National Kyushu Cancer Center
Fujii Teruhiko
Department Of Surgery Kyushu Medical Center National Hospital Organization
Fujii Teruhiko
Department Of Pathology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Fujii Teruhiko
Breast Care Center Clinical Research Institute National Hospital Organization Kyushu Medical Center
Tayama Kohsuke
Department Of Surgery Research Center Of Innovative Cancer Therapy Of The 21 Century Coe Program For
Breastpia Namba Hospital
Namba Kiyoshi
Breastopia Namba Hospital Breastopia Medical Corporation
Namba Kiyoshi
Breastpia Namba Hospital
Fujii Teruhiko
Department Of Surgery Research Center Of Innovative Cancer Therapy Of The 21 Century Coe Program For
Kage Masayoshi
Department Of Patholigy Kurume University School Of Medicine
Yamaguchi Rin
久留米大学医学部附属医療センター 病理
Furusawa Hidemi
Breastpia Namba Hospital
Nakahara Hiroshi
Breastpia Namba Hospital
Nakahara Hiroshi
Breastopia Namba Hospital Breastopia Medical Corporation
Furusawa Hidemi
Breastopia Namba Hospital Breastopia Medical Corporation
Kage Masayoshi
Department Of Diagnostic Pathology Kurume University Hospital
Furusawa Hidemi
Breastopia Namba Hospital
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