Usefulness of triple-phase thallium-201 SPECT in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) : association with proliferative activity
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-12-01
二見 繁美
長町 茂樹
Asada Yujiro
Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Miyazaki University
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Miyazaki University
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Miyazaki University
FUTAMI Shigemi
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Miyazaki University
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Miyazaki University
Nishi R
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
Nishii Ryuichi
Department Of Experimental Diagnostic Imaging University Of Texas Md Anderson Cancer Center
Wakamatsu Hideyuki
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
Department of the Second Surgery, Miyazaki Medical College
Department of the Second Surgery, Miyazaki Medical College
Department of the First Pathology, Miyazaki Medical College
Nishii R
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
Asada Y
Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine University Of Miyazaki
Asada Yujiro
Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine University Of Miyazaki
Tamura Shozo
Department Of Radiology School Of Medicine Miyazaki University
Tamura Shozo
Department Of Radiaology Miyazaki Medical College
Fujita Seigo
Department Of Radiology Fujimoto Hayasuzu Hospital
Fujita Seigo
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
Onizuka Toshio
Department Of The Second Surgery Miyazaki Medical College
Asada Y
Department Of The First Pathology Miyazaki Medical College
Hatakeyama Kinta
Department Of The First Pathology Miyazaki Medical College
Hatakeyama Kinta
Department Of Clinical Pathology Miyazaki Prefectural Hospital
長町 茂樹
長町 茂樹
Hatakeyama Kinta
Department Of Pathology University Of Miyazaki
Nagamachi Shigeki
Department Of Radiology Fujimoto Hayasuzu Hospital
Matsuzaki Yasunori
Department Of Surgery Ii Faculty Of Medicine University Of Miyazaki
Matsuzaki Yasunori
Department Of The Second Surgery Miyazaki Medical College
Wakamatsu Hideyuki
Department Of Radiology Fujimoto Hayasuzu Hospital
Asada Yujiro
First Dep. Of Pathology Fac. Of Medicine Miyazaki Univ.
Futami Shigemi
Department Of Radiology Fujimoto Hayasuzu Hospital
Asada Yujiro
Department Of The First Pathology Miyazaki Medical College
Nishii Ryuuichi
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
Hatakeyama Kinta
1st Department Of Pathology Miyazaki Medical College
Asada Yujiro
Divisions Of Pathophysiology Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine University Of Miyazaki
Tamura Shozo
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College Miyazaki University
Asada Yujiro
Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine Miyazaki University
Matsuzaki Yasunori
Department Of Cardiovascular Thoracic And General Surgery Faculty Of Medical University Of Miyazaki
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