^<123>I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy in diabetic patients : Relationship with ^<201>Tl uptake and cardiac autonomic function
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-12-01
二見 繁美
長町 茂樹
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Miyazaki University
FUTAMI Shigemi
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Miyazaki University
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Miyazaki University
大西 隆
Tamura Shozo
Department Of Radiology School Of Medicine Miyazaki University
Tamura Shozo
Department Of Radiaology Miyazaki Medical College
Fujita Seigo
Department Of Radiology Fujimoto Hayasuzu Hospital
Fujita Seigo
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
陣之内 正史
Ohnishi Takashi
Department Of Dental Radiology School Of Dentistry Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido
Department of Radiology, Miyazaki Medical College
Department of Radiology, Miyazaki Medical College
長町 茂樹
Department of Radiology, Miyazaki Medical College
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Miyazaki Medical College
Jinnouchi Seishi
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
Jinnouchi Seishi
Atsuchi Memorial Institute Of Radiology Atsuchi Memorial Clinic Pet Center
Nagamachi Shigeki
Department Of Radiology Fujimoto Hayasuzu Hospital
Futami Shigemi
Department Of Radiology Fujimoto Hayasuzu Hospital
Flores Ii
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
Kurose T
Okayama Univ. Graduate School
Kodama T
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
KUROSE Takesih
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Miyazaki Medical College
Matsukura Shigeru
Departments Of Medicine Miyazaki Medical College
Matsukura Shigeru
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Miyazaki Medical College
Nakahara Hiroshi
Breastpia Namba Hospital
Tamura Shozo
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College Miyazaki University
Nakahara Hiroshi
Breastopia Namba Hospital Breastopia Medical Corporation
Ohnishi Takashi
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo:crest Japan Science And Technology Agency (jst)
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