^<123>I-IMPを用いたSPECTによる局所脳血流測定 : 破裂脳動脈瘤, 脳動静脈奇形, モヤモヤ病など
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Three dimensional tomographic images of local cerebral blood flow (ICBF) using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) were obtained with N-isopropyl-p-[^<123>I]iodoamphetamine (^<123>I-IMP) and ^<133>Xe in 19 subjects: seven with ruptured aneurysm, one with unruptured giant aneurysm, five with arteriovenous malformation (AVM), six with moyamoya disease. This study concerned a comparison between the two methods of ^<133>Xe inhalation and ^<123>I-IMP intravenous injection. Clinical and morphological (angiography, CT scan) findings were used for reference. The SPECT image showed low lCBF earlier and larger than CT scan abnormalities in patients with cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. ^<133>Xe lCBF images showed high flow areas in giant aneurysm and nidus of AVM but ^<123>I-IMP SPECT showed decreased activity in these areas. Low activity area with ^<123>I-IMP around the large AVM may indicate an intracerebral steal phenomenon or decreased metabolism. In the patients with moyamoya disease, CT scan demonstrated minimal changes, but large areas of decreased ICBF were demonstrated with both -<133>Xe and ^<123>I-IMP. The patients with intracerebral hematoma had a definite defect area of ICBF corresponding to the hematoma on CT scan and a large area of decreased activity around the hematoma. ^<133>Xe ICBF and -<123>I-IMP SPECT maps correspond well with each other under certain conditions, but they differed in the points of spatial resolution and true nutritional blood flow. ^<123>I-IMP may give an image of other functions more important than cerebral blood flow.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1987-05-15
上田 孝
木下 和夫
陣之内 正史
星 博昭
渡辺 克司
星 博昭
星 博昭
宮崎医科大学 放射線
陣之内 正史
渡辺 克司
Hoshi H
Department Of Radiology Miyazaki Medical College
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