Surgery for Ductal Carcinoma in situ
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-10-01
Sakamoto Goi
Department of Surgery and Pathology, Cancer Institute Hospital
Kasumi Fujio
Department of Surgery and Pathology, Cancer Institute Hospital
三木 義男
Matsumoto Satoshi
Department Of Pathology Nara Medical University
Akiyama Fumihiro
Human Genome Center The Institute Of Medical Science University Of Tokyo
Tsuruo T
Division Of Experimental Chemotherapy Cancer Chemotherapy Center Japanese Foundation For Cancer Rese
Yoshimoto M
The Cancer Institute Of Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research (jfcr)
Matsumoto-mishima Yuko
癌研究会癌化学療法センター 臨床研究部
Yoshimoto Masataka
Department of Surgery and Pathology, Cancer Institute
Akiyama Futoshi
Department of Surgery and Pathology, Cancer Institute
Kobayashi Takayuki
Cancer Inst. Hospital Tokyo Jpn
Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Fukino K
Department Of Breast Surgery The Cancer Institute Hospital Of Jfcr
Kasumi Fujio
Department Of Breast Surgery Cancer Institute Hospital
Tada Takashi
Department of Surgery and Pathology, Cancer Institute
Tajiri T
Department Of Surgery I Nippon Medical School
MAKITA Masujiro
Department of Surgery, Breastpia Namba Hospital
SAITO Mitsue
Department of Breast Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital
UCHIDA Yoshihiro
Department of Breast Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital
Saito Mitsue
Department Of Breast And Endocrine Surgery School Of Medicine The University Of Juntendo
Kasumi Fujio
Department Of Breast Surgery The Cancer Institute Hospital Of Jfcr
Sakamoto Goi
Department Of Breast Pathology The Cancer Institute Of Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Sakamoto Goi
Department Of Breast Pathology Cancer Institute
Utada Yoshihito
Department Of Surgery Tokyo Women's Medical University Daini Hospital
Uchida Yoshihiro
Department Of Bioproduction Faculty Of Agriculture Yamagata University
Matsushima Mieko
Department Of Breast Oncology Cancer Institute Hospital Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Kasahara T
Department Of Biochemistry Kyoritsu University Of Pharmacy
Kinoshita Takayuki
Division Of Surgery National Cancer Center Hospital
Miyazato Masayo
Department Of Breast Oncology Cancer Institute Hospital Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Tada Takashi
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Cancer Institute Hospital
Akiyama Futoshi
Division Of Pathology Cancer Institute Of Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Akiyama Futoshi
Department Of Breast Pathology Cancer Institute And Hospital Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Miyazaki Masaki
Department Of Medical Oncology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Matsuura Masaaki
Division Of Bioinformatics Genome Center Of The Jfcr
Matsuura Masaaki
Genome Center Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Shimizu Masashi
Department Of Pathology Nara Medical University
Makita Masujiro
Department Of Breast Oncology Cancer Institute Hospital
Takahashi Kaoru
Department Of Breast Oncology Cancer Institute Hospital Of Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Takahashi Kaoru
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Saito Mitsue
Department Of Breast Surgery Cancer Institute Hospital
Makita Masujiro
Genome Center Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
Tada Takashi
Department Of Development And Differentiation Institute For Frontier Medical Sciences Kyoto Universi
Yoshimoto Masataka
Department Of Molecular Diagnosis Cancer Institute Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research
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- Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute promyelocytic leukemia in second or third complete remission : a retrospective analysis in the Nagoya Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group
- Diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia according to the WHO classification in the Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group AML-97 protocol
- 乳がんのLarge-scale genomic study
- Monosomies 7p and 12p and FLT3 internal tandem duplication : possible markers for diagnosis of T/myeloid biphenotypic acute leukemia and its clonal evolution
- Allelic Losses of Loci at 3p25.1,8p22,13q12,17p13.3,and 22q13 Correlate with Postoperative Recurrence in Breast Cancer
- Successful cord blood transplantation for mycosis fungoides.
- Phase II study of a salvage regimen using cyclophosphamide, high-dose cytarabine, dexamethasone, etoposide, and rituximab in patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Allelic Loss at 1p34,13q12,17p13.3,and 17q21.1 Correlates With Poor Postoperative Prognosis in Breast Cancer
- Correlation of Allelic Loss with Poor Postoperative Survival in Breast Cancer
- Frequent Allelic Loss at 6q26-27 in Breast Carcinomas of the Solid-tubular Histologic Type
- Detailed Deletion Mapping of Chromosome Arm 3p in Breast Cancers : A 2-cM Region on 3p 14.3-21.1 and a 5-cM Region on 3p 24.3-25.1 Commonly Deleted in Tumors
- Correlation of Allelic Losses and Clinicopathological Factors in Primary Breast Cancers
- Mapping of a Breast Cancer Tumor Suppressor Gene Locus to a 4-cM Interval on Chromosome 18q21
- Efficacy and Safety of Combined Trastuzumab and Paclitaxel Therapy as a Second-Line Treatment in Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer : A Single Institutional Experience
- High Prevalence of HER-2/neu and p53 Overexpression in Inflammatory Breast Cancer
- Severe Infusion Reaction Induced by Trastuzumab : A Case Report
- Allelic Loss on Chromosome 9q Is Associated with Lymph Node Metastasis of Primary Breast Cancer
- Adenoid cystic carcinoma with collagenous spherulosis-like structures in the breast : Report of a case
- Identification of Rad51 alteration in patients with bilateral breast cancer
- High proportion of missense mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Japanese breast cancer families
- Multiplex Mutation Screening of the BRCA1 Gene in 1000 Japanese Breast Cancers
- Muco-epidermoid carcinoma of the breast
- Correlation of Allelic Losses and Clinicopathological Factors in 504 Primary Breast Cancers
- Allelic Loss at 1p34-36 Predicts Poor Prognosis in Node-negative Breast Cancer
- Evaluation of interobserver agreement in scoring immunohistochemical results of HER-2/neu (c-erbB-2) expression detected by HercepTest, Nichirei polyclonal antibody, CB11 and TAB250 in breast carcinoma
- Evaluation of HER2 Status: For the Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancers by Humanized Anti-HER2 Monoclonal Antibody (Trastuzumab) (Pathological Committee for Optimal Use of Trastuzumab)
- Surgery for Ductal Carcinoma in situ
- Mapping of a New Target Region of Allelic Loss to a 6-cM Interval at 21q21 in Primary Breast Cancers
- Tolerability and Safety of Classic Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, and Fluorouracil Treatment in Japanese Patients with Early Breast Cancer
- Clinical Study on the Metastasis to the Eyes from Breast Cancer
- Intraductal Papilloma with Bloody Discharge from Montgomery's Areolar Tubercle Examined by Ductoscopy from the Areola
- Diagnostic Mammography and Ultrasonography for Palpable and Nonpalpable Breast Cancer in Women Aged 30 to 39 Years
- Diagnostic Ultrasonography and Mammography for Invasive and Noninvasive Breast Cancer in Women Aged 30 to 39 Years
- Improved detection of axillary hot nodes in lymphoscintigraphy in breast cancer located in the upper lateral quadrant with additional projection imaging
- What is the Predictor for Invasion in Non-palpable Breast Cancer with Microcalcifications?
- Mammographic and Clinicopathological Features of Mucinous Carcinoma of the Breast
- Two Distinct Commonly Deleted Regions on Chromosome 13q Suggest Involvement of BRCA2 and Retinoblastoma Genes in Sporadic Breast Carcinomas
- Clinical and Pathologic Features of Fibroadenoma of the Mastopathic Type
- Clinical and Pathologic Features of Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma
- Frequent Allelic Loss at 7p14-15 Associated with Aggressive Histologic Types of Breast Cancer
- Mapping of a New Target Region of Allelic Loss to a 2-cM Interval at 22q 13.1 in Primary Breast Cancer
- A Clinicopathologic Study of Breast Cancer Patients during Pregnancy
- Endoscopic Classification of Intraductal Lesions and Histological Diagnosis
- Mutation Analysis of the mel-18 Gene that Shows Decreased Expression in Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines
- Overexpression of Her2/neu, Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors in Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma of the Breast
- Evaluation of HER-2 Status in Breast Carcinoma by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization and Immunohistochemistry
- Allelic Loss on Chromosome 1p Is Associated with Progression and Lymph Node Metastasis of Primary Breast Carcinoma
- A Case of Leiomyoma of the Breast
- Evaluation of the Interobserver Agreement in the Number of Mitotic Figures of Breast Carcinoma as Simulation of Quality Monitoring in the Japan National Surgical Adjuvant Study of Breast Cancer (NSAS-BC) Protocol
- Allelic losses as prognostic markers for breast cancers
- Mapping of Target Regions of Allelic Loss in Primary Breast Cancers to 1-cM Intervals on Genomic Contigs at 6q21 and 6q25.3
- A Comparison of MR Imaging, Galactography and Ultrasonography in Patients with Nipple Discharge
- Malignant Melanoma Originating on the Female Nipple : A Case Report
- A quantitative model using mean and standard deviation for evaluation of interobserver agreement in nuclear atypia scoring of breast carcinomas in a protocol study
- New Molecule-Targeting Therapy with Herceptin (Trastuzumab), An anti-HER2 (c-erB-2) Monoclonal Antibody
- Synchronous Bilateral Noninvasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Male Breast: A Case Report