Matsumoto Satoshi | Department Of Pathology Nara Medical University
Matsumoto Satoshi
Department Of Pathology Nara Medical University
TAMAKI Norihiko
Department of Neurosurgery, Kobe University School of Medicine
Emi Mitsuru
Department of Molecular Biology, Institute of Gerontology, Nippon Medical School
Emi Mitsuru
Department Of Biochemistry Cancer Institute
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The U
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The U
Sakamoto Goi
Department of Surgery and Pathology, Cancer Institute Hospital
Senoo K
Dep. Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Univ. Of
Senoo Keishi
Department Of Agricultual Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
Kasumi Fujio
Department of Surgery and Pathology, Cancer Institute Hospital
- Enhanced Methanogenesis in the Vicinity of Rice Straw Residues in Surface Layers of a Paddy Soil
- Effects of Inoculation of Phototrophic Purple Bacteria on Grain Yield of Rice and Nitrogenase Activity of Paddy Soil in a Pot Experiment (Soil Biology)
- Characteristics of Phototrophic Purple Bacteria Isolated from a Japanese Paddy Soil (Soil Biology)
- Toxic Effects of Dichloromethane and Trichloroethylene on the Growth of Planktonic Green Algae, Chlorella vulgaris NIES227, Selenastrum capricornutum NIES35, and Volvulina steinii NIES545
- Characterization of morphospecies and strains of the genus Microcystis (Cyanobacteria) for a reconsideration of species classification
- Distribution of a Bacterium (γ-1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane-Decomposing Sphingomonas paucimobilis) among Soil Aggregates
- Factors Affecting Multiplication, Survival and Death of a Bacterium (γ-HCH-decomposing Sphingomonas paucimobilis SS86) Inoculated to Soil : Previous Growth Condition, Competition and Predation
- Methanogenesis from Dried and Heat Treated Paddy Soil
- Autopsy case of prostate cancer with multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A
- Genetic mapping of allelic loss on chromosome 6q within heterogeneous prostate carcinoma