Changes of Components-Dissolution from Prescription Containing Coptis Rhizome or Cultured Cells of Coptis japonica into the Decoction
- Study of the Accelerating Effect of Shikonin and Alkannin on the Proliferation of Granulation Tissue in Rats
- A Cembrane-type Diterpene from Flue-cured Burley Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. ) leaves
- Two New Alkaloids from Cigarette Smoke Condensate
- A New Leishmanicidal Saponin from Brunfelsia grandiflora
- Two Cangorosin A Type Triterpene Dimers from Maytenus chuchuhuasca
- Nine Regioisomeric and Stereoisomeric Triterpene Dimers from Maytenus chuchuhuasca
- P-517 Leishmanicidal Constituents from Brunfelsia grandiflora
- In Vitro Leishmanicidal Constituents of Millettia pendula
- In Vitro Screening of Leishmanicidal Activity in Myanmar Timber Extracts(Pharmacognosy)
- Prevention of Stroke by a Japanese Traditional Medicine, Shichimotsu-koka-to, in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats-a Histopathological Study
- Preventive Effects of Shinchimotsu-koka-to on Renal Lesions in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- P-127 Leishmanicidal constituents from a Myanmar plant Cordia fragrantissima
- Two New Cucurbitacin Glucosides, Opercurins A and B, from the Brazilian Folk Medicine "Buchinha" (Luffa operculata)
- Two Novel Cucurbitacins, Neocucrbitacins A and B, from the Brazilian Folk Medicine "Buchinha" (Luffa operculata)and Their Effect on PEBP2αA and OCIF Gene Expression in a Human Osteoblast-Like Saos-2 Cell Line
- Anti-androgenic Triterpenoids from the Brazilian Medicinal Plant, Cordia multispicata
- A New Secoiridoid Glucoside, Amaronitidin, from the Peruvian Folk Medicine "Hercampuri" (Gentianella nitida)
- A Novel Sesterterpenoid, Nitiol, as a potent Enhancer of IL-2 Gene Expression in a Human T Cell Line, from the Peruvian Folk Medicine"Hercumpuri" (Gentianella nitida)
- Acteoside as the Analgesic Principle of Cedron (Lippia triphylla), a Peruvian Medicinal Plant
- Antiinflammatory Effect of Trichosanthes kirilowii MAXIM. and Its Effective Parts
- Accelerative Effect of "Nanshikon"and Its Constituents on the Proliferation of Granulation Tissue in Rats
- Prenylated Xanthones from Garcinia xanthochymus
- A New Iridoid Glycoside with Nerve Growth Factor-Potentiating Activity, Gelsemiol 6'-trans-Caffeoyl-1-glucoside, from Verbena littoralis
- Anti-inflammatory and analgesic components from "hierba santa," a traditional medicine in Peru
- Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitory Naphthoquinone and/or Naphthalene Dimers from Lemuni Hitam (Diospyros sp.), a Malaysian Herbal Medicine
- Intraspecific Variation in Cannabis sativa L. Based on Intergenic Spacer Region of Chloroplast DNA
- Two New Sesquiterpene Pyridine Alkaloids from Maytenus chuchuhuasca
- Flavonoid Glycosides from Cecropia adenopus
- Naphthoquinone and Iridoid with NGF-potentiating Activity from Verbena littoralis
- Pharmacologically Active Components of a Peruvian Medicinal Plant, Huanarpo (Jatropha cilliata)
- Changes of Components-Dissolution from Prescription Containing Coptis Rhizome or Cultured Cells of Coptis japonica into the Decoction
- Flavonoid Glycosides from Cecropia adenopus
- Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis of Angelica acutiloba and Its Varieties
- Prevention of Stroke by a Japanese Traditional Medicine, Shichimotsu-koka-to, in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats : a Histopathological Study
- A Cembrane-type Diterpene from Flue-cured Burley Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves
- Anti-Androgen Active Constituents from Dalbergia cochinchinensis PIERRE
- Dissolution Tests of Coptis Rhizome and Cultured Cells of Coptis japonica
- Changes of Components-Dissolution from Prescription Containing Coptis Rhizome or Cultured Cells of Coptis japonica into the Decoction