- 論文の詳細を見る
The mechanism of deterioration in bone conduction due to changes in atmospheric pressure was examined in 20 normal subjects using a sound-proof pressure chamber. The subjects wore special ear plugs with which the external auditory canal was connected to a pressure gauge and and a small pump placed outside the chamber. Subjects were in structed not to swallow to avoid active opening of the Eustachian tube. The chamber pressure was decreased (or increased) to± 500 mmH<SUB>2</SUB>O at a speed of 30 mmH<SUB>2</SUB>O/sec. Then pressure in the external auditory canal was decreased (or increased) gradually after the chamber pressure had reached ±500 mmH<SUB>2</SUB>O. However, the level of bone conduction did not recover the level before decrease (or increase) in the chamber pressure. These findings suggest that at a least minor part of the deterioration in bone conduction after changes in the chamber pressure was caused by displacement of the round window membrane.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
北原 正章
伊豆蔵 尚夫
小澤 博史
井上 秀蔵
内田 郁
井上 秀蔵
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- メニエ-ル病診断の新しいアプロ-チ--蝸電図による診断
- Air Caloric Test〔邦文〕
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- 耳鳴の臨床 (京都大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室6年間の歩み(1977-1982年)--檜学教授還暦によせて)
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- A Clinical Study of Tinnitus (second report)
- Reconstruction of bony meatus with alumina ceramics (Bilceram): preliminary report.:Preliminary Report
- Patients' Anxieties and Doctors' Impressions in Cases of Meniere's Disease with Bilateral Fluctuant Hearing Loss
- Electromyographic Biofeedback Training for the Treatment of Severe Tinnitus
- Tinnitus Associated with Meniere's Disease
- Olfactory neuroblastoma.
- Tinnitus Associated with Meniere's Disease
- 筋弛緩剤による耳鳴の治療
- Therapeutic effects of residual inhibition
- Treatment of Endolymphatic Hydrops Caused by Otitis Media
- Lingual Thyroid with Marked Calcification ; A Case Report.
- Righting Reflex of the Head and Body
- Tinnitus produced by medicine
- Short-term intensive treatment with ceftizoxime in patients with otitis media, especially otitis media with irritation of the labyrinth.
- Experimental immunological studies of Meniere's disease.
- Two cases of relapsing polychondritis.
- Complications of Otitis Media
- Tonal and Band Noise Tinnitus
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- Acceleration Registrogram of the Head During Human Equilibrium Movement
- Facial Paralysis due to Brain Tumor.
- Clinical Study of Electrocochleography.
- Basic Study on Tinnitus
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- How Does Tizanidine Effect Tinnitus?
- 塩酸チザニジンの耳鳴に対する臨床的検討
- Galvanic Test
- タイトル無し
- MRSA Infection of Upper Respiratory Tract.
- Defibrinogenation Therapy for Sudden Deafness; A Clinical Evaluation.
- Frequency of pure tone audiometric testing required in various neurotologic disorders.
- Analysis of Nation-wide Surveys of Meniere's Disease:Evaluation of Duplicate Cases in Previuous Studies
- Vestibulospinal reaction in the stepping test with relative pressure changes in the middle ear
- A New Sound-proof Pressure Chamber
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- 防音圧チャンバーによる耳管の換気能検査:臨床例の検討
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