Facial Paralysis due to Brain Tumor.
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Two cases of facial paralysis of central nervous system origin are reported. One patient had the supranuclear type and the other the nuclear type of facial paralysis. The supranuclear type of left facial paralysis was due to a metastatic brain tumor (3×2cm) in the precentral gyrus of the right frontal lobe of a 67-year-old male. The original tumor was anaplastic squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. Although the lower portion of the left side of his face showed slight paralysis, the upper portion showed normal movement because of the double innervation of the upper portion of the face from both crossed and uncrossed corticobulbar fibers. The nuclear type of facial paralysis was due to a large epidermoid cyst located in the fourth ventricle of a 52-year-old female. The tumor was assumed to have depressed the right facial colliculus in the floor of the fourth ventricle resulting in the nuclear type of moderate right facial paralysis with normal stapedial reflex and normal gustatory function.
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