Comparative Study on Evaluation Methods for Retrogradation of Cooked Rice at the Early Stage.
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In this study we compared methods of evaluating early stage (within 24 h storage at 4 °C) of retrogradation process in cooked rice. The degree of retrogradation in cooked rice could be estimated by the value of L* measured by a chroma meter; however, the data showed low precision . A small peak according to the retrogradation of cooked rice appeared on the DSC curve and the Xray diffraction pattern after the rice had been refrigerated for 6 and 9 h, respectively. The degree of gelatinization measured using the BAP method showed a difference among the three samples with different water contents refrigerated for over 12 h, whereas a difference among the samples after 9h refrigeration was noted in the degree of retrogradation by the DSC measurement. In the cooked rice samples, a difference in water content of 8% did not influence the enthalpy calculated from the DSC curve. From the advantage of being able to detect the difference of the sample refrigerated for a shorter period and to do direct measurement, we considered that the DSC measurement was a suitable method for evaluating the retrogradation of cooked rice at the early stage .
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- Comparative Study on Evaluation Methods for Retrogradation of Cooked Rice at the Early Stage.
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