Paraventricular AVM
- 論文の詳細を見る
Since 1949 to 1975, we have experienced 213 cases of intracranial arteriovenous malformations, in which paraventricular AVM occupied 39 cases (18.3%).<BR>Paraventricular AVMs are divided into 3 types as below.<BR>1st type; AVM nidus is located in basal ganglia, thalamus and/or hypothalamus. 30 cases are included in this type.<BR>2nd type; Location of the nidus is limited in subependymal region or choroid plexus. 4 cases beong to this type.<BR>3rd type; AVM is located in corpus callosum in which 5 cases were counted.<BR>In this report follow up and operative results are discussed.<BR>Follow up results show much higher mortality rate in non-surgical group than in surgical group. In addition, the possibility of re-bleeding in non-surgical group is three times to surgical group.<BR>Operative treatments were carried out in 30 cases in which 11 cases were successfully extirpated. Non-surgically treated cases that are to the first type showed deep-seated and Table 3 that even palliative operation is superior to non-surgical treatment in standpoint of mortality and re-bleeding.<BR>In summary, extirpation is the most desirable treatment to paraventricular AVM, especially in such cases as hematoma cleavage exists between AVM nidus and brain tissue, total removal should be tried. Even if in cases which are considered total removal is impossible, palliative operation is expected more effective than non-surgical treatment.
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