- 論文の詳細を見る
The mechanism of no-reflow phenomenon (NRP) is still in dispute. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the role of the intravascular component, i.e., platelets and red blood cells (RBC) in the post-ischemic period. Cerebral ischemia was induced in mechanically ventilated dogs by infusion of physiological saline into the cisterna magna at the pressure of 150 -200 mmHg for 10 -20 minutes. The local cortical CBF (ICBF) was recorded with a double-needle type thermocouple. The systemic arterial pressure, cisterna magna pressure and cerebral impedance were also monitored. Blood samples were obtained from the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) and the femoral vein. The three dimensional changes o platelets and RBC were observed by scanning electron microscope and the platelet aggregability to ADP was recorded by Evans aggregometer. The course of 1CBF was divided into two patterns in the post-ischemic period. In the first, reactive hyperemia was pronounced and in the second, it was only slight or none. In the latter group with apparent NRP, the changes of platelets and RBC were remarkable especially in the SSS. Platelets took the activated forms, i.e., pseudopod formation, spreading, surface folds and irreversible membrane fusion (platelet aggregation). Concerning RBC, discocytic shapes were transformed into echinocyte, keratocyte, schizocyte and so on, but no RBC aggregates were found. Platelet aggregability to ADP became lower after cerebral ischemia, being especially prominent in the no-reflow group. It is concluded that activation of platelet aggregability as well as the morphological change of platelets and RBC are induced by cerebral ischemia, both of which may contribute to the pathogenesis of no-reflow phenomenon.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
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- B113. 乳児の脳腫瘍(脳・神経)
- 105 小児の間脳・下垂体腫瘍(脳神経)
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- 薬剤による脳保護作用およびその作用機序の実験的検討
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- 外傷性脳内血腫の生成 : CT上遷延型発生を示した症例から
- 指定発言:脳腫瘍の左右差と予後 (第20回日本神経学会総会(1979)) -- (大脳半球のLateralization(シンポジウム-1-))
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- 脳腫瘍の phase-synchronization に関する基礎的研究 : -II 各種制癌剤および物理的要因に基づく細胞周期の変動-
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- 脳腫瘍--全国集計調査を中心にして (本邦臨床統計集--診療に必須の情報・数値--腫瘍)
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- 悪性脳腫瘍患者のBCGによる補助免疫療法
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- 34.脳脊髄液の細胞培養による脳腫瘍の診断法(I. 一般講演, 第9回 日本臨床細胞学会総会講演要旨)
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- 98 新生児頭血腫の腫瘍状変化(脳神経)
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- 悪性脳腫瘍の化学療法・免疫療法 (外科最新の治療) -- (脳神経外科)
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