Completed strokeに対する手術適応決定の一方法:-高圧酸素療法-
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Extrcranial-Intracranial (EC-IC) bypass surgery is now an established procedure as a treatment for ischemic strokes. However, there have been some controversies over the efficacy of this surgery for patients with completed stroke. <BR>One of the problems is difficulty to select proper candidates. <BR>The authors have found that the Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HO) is a useful technique to determine candidates for bypass surgery. <BR>Twelve patients with completed strokes underwent HO for 70 min. per day. Neurological conditions and EEG were evaluated after twenty times of HO. <BR>Nine patients showed significant improvement and were considered as responders to HO. Three patients were non-responders. <BR>EC-IC bypass was performed for all of these patients. <BR>Five out of nine responders to HO showed consistent improvement after STA-MCA anastomosis, while three non-responders to HO remained unchanged after surgery. <BR>Our results indicate that some patients with completed stroke have benefit from bypass operation, and that the candidates for surgery could be selected by HO. <BR>We assume that there are two kinds of pathological conditions in completed stroke; one is totally damaged brain (irreversible state) and the other is partially damaged brain (reversible state). <BR>HO is not only useful as a treatment of stroke patients but also a valuable method to detect ischemic brain in reversible state.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
佐野 圭司
間中 信也
江口 恒良
熊谷 頼佳
名和田 宏
杉山 弘行
伊関 洋
馬場 元毅
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