Production of Diabetic Offspring Using Cryopreserved Epididymal Sperm by In Vitro Fertilization and Intrafallopian Insemination Techniques in Transgenic Pigs
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Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a useful technique for creating pig strains that model human diseases. However, production of numerous cloned disease model pigs by SCNT for large-scale experiments is impractical due to its complexity and inefficiency. In the present study, we aimed to establish an efficient procedure for proliferating the diabetes model pig carrying the mutant human hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α gene. A founder diabetes transgenic cloned pig was generated by SCNT and treated with insulin to allow for normal growth to maturity, at which point epididymal sperm could be collected for cryopreservation. In vitro fertilization and intrafallopian insemination using the cryopreserved epididymal sperm resulted in diabetes model transgenic offspring. These results suggest that artificial reproductive technology using cryopreserved epididymal sperm could be a practical option for proliferation of genetically modified disease model pigs.
Umeyama Kazuhiro
Laboratory Of Natural Products Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba University
Matsunari Hitomi
Laboratory Of Developmental Engineering Department Of Life Sciences School Of Agriculture Meiji Univ
Fujiwara Tsukasa
Laboratory Of Developmental Engineering Department Of Life Sciences School Of Agriculture Meiji Univ
Nagashima Hiroshi
Laboratory For Evolutionary Morphology Riken Cdb
Nakano Kazuaki
Laboratory Of Developmental Engineering Department Of Life Sciences School Of Agriculture Meiji Univ
Laboratory of Developmental Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan
Sekiguchi Keito
Laborarory Animal Resource Center, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8575, Japan
Meiji University International Institute for Bio-Resource Research, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan
HONDA Kasumi
Laboratory of Developmental Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan
HIDAKA Tatsuro
Laboratory of Developmental Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan
Laboratory of Developmental Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan
Laboratory of Developmental Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan
Laboratory of Developmental Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan
Laboratory of Developmental Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan
UMEYAMA Kazuhiro
Laboratory of Developmental Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan
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