Land use issues against potential danger of active faults, and'Active Fault Zones Act'
- 論文の詳細を見る
"Digital Active Fault Map of Japan"provides detailed information about location of active fault traces that allows us to examine relation between school buildings and the active fault traces in detail by using the GIS software (ArcView). As a preliminary result of the examination,1005 schools out of 43360 are located the zone within 200m from the active faults, about 570 within 50m and approximately 200 on the fault traces. These figures suggest that one out of about 200 school buildings are located on the active faults, and roughly 100000 students are studying in potentially dangerous schools against surface fault ruptures in case of earthquakes.<BR>In order to avoid further risky development of public buildings such as schools and hospitals within fault zones, and to mitigate seismic hazards, it is necessary to introduce"Active Fault Law"in Japan.
- Japanese Society for Active Fault Studiesの論文
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- 454. 万寿津波の痕跡
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- Land use issues against potential danger of active faults, and'Active Fault Zones Act'
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