Kashima fault as a model fault for active fault segmentation
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In this paper, we discuss on the Kashima fault, an inland fault that extends E-W for about 18km in the peninsula of Shimane. This paper aims 1) to depict the detailed feature and distribution of fault morphology along the Kashima fault on large scale topographic maps,2) to apply the fault branching model and dip-slip distribution pattern for fault segmentation, and 3) to clarify subsurface structure of the Kashima fault by acoustic survey.<BR>Results of this paper are summarized as follows: 1) Evidences of right-lateral movement is continuously discernible along the Kashima fault.2) Active fault trace is remarkably linear suggesting that the angle of fault plane is high.3) Result of seismic profiling suggests that the Kashima fault ruptured after 25,000 years ago.4)Based on the pattern of dip-slip distribution and the feature of branching fault traces, the segments of Kashima fault are identified as one segment, which means the segments of the Kashima fault might rupture together.
- Japanese Society for Active Fault Studiesの論文
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