クモ膜下出血急性期例における術前評価法としてのr-CBF Studyの意義
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Neurological grading (Hunt & Kosnik and others) and CT classification (Fisher and others) were used most popularly to evaluate clinical state and to estimate the prognosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). However, there were some cases which the outcome did not corresponds to the neurological grading or CT classification.<BR>From Oct. 1983, we measured regional cerebral blood flow (r-CBF) of 54 cases of acute SAH who arrived at our medical center within 72 hours from last attack.<BR>These 54 cases were divided into 2 groups by their value of mean hemispheric gray matter blood flow (M. F. G.); Group A; 32 cases which M. F. G. were over 50 (ml/100g/min), and Group B; 22 cases which M. F. G. were less than 50. Then, there were clearly difference in prognosis of these 2 groups; 67.4% of group A were recovered to be superior than partially dependent, on the other hand, 84.7% of cases in group B were died or fully dependent.<BR>We considered from those result as follows; adding the value of cerebral circulation damage at acute stage of SAH to neurological grading or CT classification can deduce more correctly valuation of the clinical state and final prognosis of SAH.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
田島 賢一
福田 忠治
東京医科大学 医学部 脳神経外科
三輪 哲郎
蓮江 正道
古場 群己
田島 賢一
三輪 哲郎
東京医科大学 脳神経外科
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