- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) The endolymphatic sac operation was performed on 28 ears with Meniere's disease. At the operations, the endolymphatic sac was drained in 16 ears (Drainage Group). In the other ears, simple mastoidectomy and uncovering of the posterior cranial fossa dura were conducted (Mastoidectomy Group).The results were evaluated one year after the operations with respect to vertigo. Vertigo was successfully controlled in 82.9%. No difference was found between the above two groups.(2) The vestibular aqueduct was studied using temporal bone tmography. One hundred and eight ears with Meniere's disease served as subjects. The vestibular aqueduct was identified in 48.1% of the healthy ears, and 42.6% of the sick ears.There was a correlation between the visibility of the vestibular aqueduct on tomography and the development of the endolymphatic sac.
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