Effect of adenoidectomy and tonsilectomy on serous otitis media.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The efficacy of adenoidectomy in the treatment of serous otitis media was evaluated by tympanograms of 54 patients (107 ears) recorded before and after adenoidectomy and adeno-tonsilectomy.1) About half the B-type and most of the C-type tympanograms improved to A-type after surgery.2) Clinical progress was more favorable when myringotomy preceded surgery.3) The results were less favorable in children under 5 years of age.4) Better results were noted in patients treated with tonsilectomy in addition to adenoidectomy.5) A favorable clinical course was noted in patients with (+)-(++) cloudiness on X-rays of the para-nasal sinuses.6) Improvement of the tympanogram was observed frequently 1-2 months after operatlon.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
野村 俊之
長舩 宏隆
鵜木 秀太郎
小松崎 篤
鵜木 秀太郎
長舩 宏隆
水吉 陽子
小松崎 篤
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