- 論文の詳細を見る
A rehabilitation schedule for patients with disequilibrium due to bilateral vestibular dysfunction is proposed and evaluated by the gravitational body sway test. <BR>Rehabilitation training includes : 1) Walk longer than 30 minutes daily; 2) Stand still with feet together and eyes closed for about 10 minutes in a room.Repeat 3 or 4 times daily.<BR>Body sway was recorded for 60 seconds with eyes open and 60 seconds with eyes and the bodily sway eight analysis with directional velocities was utilized. Two 70-year-old patients, 1 male and 1 female, were trained.<BR>The rehabilitation was contrnued for 40 month in the former and 35 months in the latter. After the training the two patients began to feel less unsteadiness and decreased velocity of gravitational body sway. However, when the rehabilitation was discontinued, the velocity of the body sway increased. Even with a simple program, rehabilitation can be expected. Its effectiveness must be determined quantitatively by stabilometry.
山本 昌彦
原田 克也
谷野 徹
小松崎 篤
谷野 徹
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