Evaluation of Drug Effects in Medical Treatment of Peripheral Vestibular Disorders:With Special Reference to the Double-Blind Test for Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Subjective and objective signs and symptoms of 128 patients with Meniere's disease and of 98 with other peripheral vestibular disorders were analyzed in a double-blind controlled study comparing ATP (300mg) and β-histine (36mg) each given daily for four weeks. The clinical subjective and objective evaluations were recorded by doctor and patients at the neurotological examination before treatment started, after two weeks, and after four weeks. The method of giving medicine was the matched-pair-group-method for this double-blind controlled trial.The attending doctors all concluded that ATP was significantly more effective than β-histine in the treatment of peripheral vestibular disorders.Currently, there are great variations in the clinical evaluations of the effectiveness of antivertiginous drugs. Our studies included both subjective and objective evaluations. This was helpful. Indeed, what is needed is the establishment of a fuller and more uniform set of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of antivertiginous drugs. Such strict criteria must include subjective as well as objective evaluation if we are to judge drug effects accurately.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
水越 鉄理
高安 劭次
松永 喬
田中 恒男
東京大学医学部 : 鹿児島大学歯学部
時田 喬
松岡 出
小松崎 篤
渡辺 勇
松永 亨
松永 喬
桧 学
田中 恒男
小松崎 篤
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