- 論文の詳細を見る
A case of unilateral dilatation of the internal auditory canal without acoustic tumor is presented. The patient was found to have a bilateral C5 dip and canal paresis in the left ear.Marked dilatation of one canal was demonstrated on temporal bone tomography. The left canal was 2mm higher than the right. The left posterior wall was 3mm shorter than the right. Pantopaque cisternography revealed a large intracanalicular extension of the subarachnoid space with no evidence of tumor.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
- 方向交代性眼振--小脳橋角部髄膜腫に随伴し,腫瘍摘出により消失した方向交代性眼振の1症例
- 耳鼻咽喉科疾患
- 聴覚機能とその障害
- 三叉神経鞘腫gasserian typeとroot type
- パ-キンソン病における水平性衝撃性眼球運動
- メニエ-ル病症例の内リンパ嚢手術の遠隔成績-2-前庭所見及び前庭水管断層所見
- 聴神経腫瘍をともなわない一側性内耳道拡大症例
- 第35回 日本平衡神経科学会
- 第34回 日本平衡神経科学会
- パ-キンソン病における水平性衝撃性眼球運動
- 聴神経腫瘍をともなわない一側性内耳道拡大症例
- メニエ-ル病症例の内リンパ嚢手術の遠隔成績-2-前庭所見及び前庭水管断層所見
- 蝸牛内シャント術の遠隔成績
- メニエ-ル病症例の内リンパ嚢手術の遠隔成績-1-聴覚所見
- Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the paranasal sinuses, pharynx and oral cavity.
- Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the posterior fossa disorders.
- Dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum - A case report.
- :A Case without Hearing Loss
- Clinical Efficacy of Kallikrein Tablets in the Treatment of Vertigo:Multi-center Open Clinical Study: Comparison of Two Different Daily Doses of Kallikrein in the Treatment of Vertigo of Peripheral Origin