側頚部に発生したシュワノ-マ症例 (原田康夫教授開講3周年記念論文集<特集>)
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Two cases of benign solitaly schwannoma of the lateral neck were reported.Case 1, 44 year-old woman, complained of solid mass without other symptoms in the left submandibular region. The tumor was surgically extirpated. In view of postoperative evidence of Horner's syndrome, it was thought the tumor might be arise from the cervical sympathetic nerve.Case 2, aged 60 woman, complained of a large mass in the right lateral neck. At surgery, the tumor was situated in the course of the vagal nerve and removed by sectioning the vagal nerve. The recurrent nerve paralysis was noted postoperatively. The histological sections of the tumors in both cases showed benign schwannoma.
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