めまいに対するコメリアン【encircled R】錠の臨床効果-multi open trialによる検討-
- 論文の詳細を見る
Comelian® was administered orally after meals to a total of 116 patients in a dosage of 2 tablets t. i. d. (300mg/day) for 8 weeks: 35 patients with central vertigo and 81 with peripheral vertigo.1) Peripheral vertigo: subjective improvement, moderate or better, was reported by 84.0%, and objective findings of improvement, moderate or better, were noted in 72.5%.The global improvement rate, moderate or better, was estimated to be 82.7%.2) A stratified analysis showed a better result in younger than in older patients and in those with a relatively short duration of illness. Also, there was no difference in efficacy between those treated with one course of this drug and those treated for a long time.3) Central vertigo: subjective improvement, moderate or better was reported by 68.6% and objective findings of moderate improvement or better were noted 43.8%.The global improvement rate, moderate or better, was 60.0%.4) A stratified analysis showed that efficacy tended to be slightly lower in those aged 70 years or over, as in the patients with peripheral vertigo, but the efficacy tended to be greater with long-term treatment.5) Adverse reactions occurred in 5 patients (4.3%). Treatment was stopped in 3, continued in 2. All 5 had peripheral vertigo.6) The global utility rate was 84.0% (satisfactory or better) in those with peripheral vertigo, and 60.0% in those with central vertigo.It is concluded that Comelian® is generally useful treatment of both central and peripheral vertigo in the outpatient.
平川 勝洋
竹林 脩文
宮脇 修二
鈴木 衛
野田 益弘
中田 将風
屋敷 建夫
岡崎 英登
黒川 道徳
築家 大介
原田 康夫
村上 譲
菊屋 義則
吉岡 達生
佐々木 尚
岸本 昭憲
原田 康夫
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