Clinical evaluation of Clindamycin phosphate sterile solution for otorhinolaryngological infections.
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Clindamycin-2-phosphate is an injectable antibiotic which has potent antibacterial activity against gram-positive cocci and anaerobic organisms. It has been in wide clinical use in a dosage form to be reconstituted before injection. Clindamycin-2-phosphate in a newly developed injectable solution form was studied to ascertain its usefulness in the treatment of various otorhinolaryngological infections. In the ratings of clinical effect, this antibiotic was "very effective" in 13 of the 24 patients treated and "effective" in 9, producing a combined effectiveness rating of 91.7%. In terms of bacteriological effect, single organisms were responsible in 18 patients and multiple organisms in 6. The causative organisms were eliminated in 19 patients and replaced by another organism in 1; thus, the bacterial eradication rate was 83.3%. No adverse drug reactions were observed in any of the patients. This antibiotic was rated "very useful" in 15 cases and "useful" in 7 cases, with a combined usefulness rating of 91.7%. This antibiotic attained blood levels above the MIC for a prolonged time, corroborating its clinical effectiveness demonstrated in this study.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
石井 哲夫
板橋 隆嗣
佐藤 むつみ
渡辺 洋
和田 昌士
市川 銀一郎
高山 幹子
河村 正三
順天堂大学 耳鼻咽喉科
出口 浩一
坂井 真
和田 昌士
坂井 真
高山 幹子
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