- 論文の詳細を見る
Since only a small number clinics are capable of recording ENG on the first visit of patients with vertigo and/or equilibrium disturbance, we studied the relationship between the changes of spontaneous nystagmus in ENG and the number of days from the first visit to the day recording was done. In the first report, we found that there was no relation between the incidence of nystagmus and the number of days until the date of recording within two weeks from the first visit. However, this result represented only the qualitative nature of nystagmus in ENG. In order to clarify this relationship more precisely, quantitative analysis became necessary. In the present study, we analyzed the relationship between the frequency and the slow-phase velocity of nystagmus and the number of days until recording. ENGs were recorded in 1, 260 patients with vertigo and/or disequilibrium and were analyzed. We found a close relationship between the frequency as well as the slow phase of nystagmus and the number of days from the first visit, namely, the frequency and the slow phase of nystagmus significantly decreased with days past. We conclude that the present status of ENG recording in most clinics is insufficient. ENG recording should be carried out as early as possible.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
大西 正樹
大西 正樹
日本医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科学
神尾 友和
八木 聡明
八木 聡明
小林 謙
稲垣 京子
坂口 文雄
町井 一史
横尾 麗子
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- 323 DSCGの鼻粘膜Basophilic cellに対する効果
- RAST改良法 : (Nalebuff-Fadel)
- 6. スギ花粉症の予防と治療 (鼻症状) (VI スギ花粉症)
- 380 鼻アレルギー患者鼻粘膜上皮培養上清中の好塩基球/肥満細胞/好酸球コロニー刺激因子
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- 320 ヒト鼻茸より分離したマスト細胞の性質と抗アレルギー剤の効果
- 予後からみた突発性難聴
- 105.Modified RAST assay(気管支喘息:特異抗体)
- 鼻粘膜上皮細胞が産生するIL-1αとTNF-αの自己誘導によるIL-6, IL-8, GM-CSF産生への影響
- 177 中和抗体(抗TNF-α抗体、抗IL-1β抗体 抗IL-1α抗体)が、鼻粘膜上皮細胞のサイトカイン産生に及ぼす影響
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- 79 鼻粘膜上皮細胞のサイトカイン産生に対する塩酸アゼラスチンの効果
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- 46 小児減感作療法の効果に影響を与える因子の検討
- 92 上気道粘膜培養上清中のエンドセリン
- 3. 鼻粘膜上皮細胞の遅発性反応への関与 (3 アレルギー性鼻炎-遅発性反応(late reaction)は鼻にも起こるか?)
- 37 当科アレルギー外来の臨床統計
- 3. アレルギー診療と各科の連携 2) アレルギー診療, 耳鼻科より (II 明日のアレルギー診療)
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- E47.Cochlear Implantによる聾者のリハビリテーション
- 診断不明のめまいに対する頚部振動刺激の意義
- 頚性肱暈症に対する頚部振動刺激の診断的意義
- フォーラム 座談会 2011年花粉症の季節を迎えて--花粉症治療のポイントを探る
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- Usefulness of surface basophilic cells as a parameter of nasal allergy.
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- 頚性肱暈症に対する頚部振動刺激の診断的意義
- 診断不明のめまいに対する頚部振動刺激の意義
- わが教室におけるメマイ患者の統計的観察-1-メマイ外来の現況と患者の一般特性(橋本教授開講15周年記念論文)
- 耳鳴の評価と治療に関する研究-1-耳鳴の評価と治療に関する研究
- Long term effect of immunotherapy for perennial nasal allergy.
- Basophil degranulation test for nasal allergy.
- Changes of vestibular function after endolymphatic sac surgery.
- Inner ear disturbance in patients with labyrinthine fistula.
- Hearing changes in normal individuals after glycerol intake.
- 慢性中耳炎の内耳波及について
- Metachromatic cell changes due to immunotherapy of nasal allergy.
- Changes in the number of nasal surface basophilic cells in antigen-specific immunotherapy.
- Characteristics of patients tested for Japanese cedar pollinosis.
- Clinical Efficacy of Kallikrein Tablets in the Treatment of Vertigo:Multi-center Open Clinical Study: Comparison of Two Different Daily Doses of Kallikrein in the Treatment of Vertigo of Peripheral Origin
- Formalin sensitivity of nasal surface basophilic cells.
- Treatment of allergy. 1. Antiallergic agents.
- 眼振検査の病巣診断学的貢献度
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Postoperative observations following tympanoplasty.
- Time course of positive reaction in glycerol test.
- Histopathological Study of Bacterial Labyrinthitis
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