Characteristics of patients tested for Japanese cedar pollinosis.
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Allergy tests showed the following characteristics of patients with Japanese cedar pollinosis.1) Unlike patients with perennial allergy, many of those with Japanese cedar pollinosis were women above 20 years of age.2) Pollinosis patients had more severe symptoms than perennial allergy patients. Nevertheless, they had a lower rate of positive allergy tests.3) In 1984, when more pollen was in the air, there was a higher incidence of onset of symptoms and the rate of positive allergy tests was higher than in 1983.4) The rate of positive allergy tests was higher early in the pollen season than in the middle or at the end of the season.5) The more pollen in the air and the longer the period of exposure, the higher was the incidence of eosinophilia in nasal smears, the percentage of eosinophiles in the blood and of surface basophilic cells in the nasal mucosa. Nevertheless, the serum IgE level was always low, regardless of the amount of pollen or the duration of exposure to the pollen.
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