- 論文の詳細を見る
We studied the winding of yarns on ring and twisting frame. The conclusions are as follows : <BR>1. Assuming that yarn is not broken by increased yarn tension, diameter of bobbin must be 0.14 time or more of the ring size.<BR>2. When the shape of bottom part of bobbin is conical trapezoid, more yarn can be wound than on a parallel bobbin, and it has less tendency to destroy the shape of cop.<BR>3. When layers of yarn are laid using chain and swing lever system without notch, the bottom shape of cop is parabolic. Chase and variation of the lowest position of each layers are kept constant. With notch, more yarn is wound at the bottom of cop. Chase and variation of the lowest positionof each layer is increased gradually, while forming the bottom of cop.<BR>4. It is better to design a frame with constant coil pitch, than to design one with constant traverse velocity.
- 社団法人 日本繊維機械学会の論文
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