- 論文の詳細を見る
Seasonal variation of extractive nitrogenous components in the muscle of the cultured ascidian Halocynthia roretzi was investigated in the specimens collected bimonthly from January 1983 to January 1984 at Okkirai Bay, Iwate Prefecture. The ascidian muscle extracts were characterized by being rich in free amino acids, especially in taurine, proline, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine and histidine. Considerable amounts of quaternary ammonium bases such as glycinebetaine and homarine were found, but arginine and creatine were scanty.Extractive nitrogen, most free amino acids, and nucleotides and related compounds showed a pronounced annual cycle with maximum in summer and/or autumn and minimum in winter.The nitrogen of free amino acids accounted for 47-67% of extractive nitrogen, which was followed by those of glycinebetaine(9-19%), nucleotides and related compounds(5-9%), and other constituents such as homarine, trigonelline, trimethylamine oxide, trimethylamine, creatine and creatinine(5-14%). The sum total amounted to 80-90% of extractive nitrogen, but was fairly lower than those so far found by us in the muscles of other marine animals.
- 社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
- 水産生物におけるD型アミノ酸の分析法, 分布および生理機能
- グリシンベタインの味質とエゾボラにおける呈味効果
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- 8種の魚類筋肉エキス中の含窒成分の分布
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- 魚肉のトリブトファン含量
- 鯨肝油の分子蒸溜に関する研究-III
- 血合筋肉の化学的研究-XI : マグロミオグロビンのアミノ酸組成
- Studies of the extractive components of ascidians in Korea-III. Regional variation of extractive nitrogenous constituents in the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi muscle.
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