Anti-allergic effects of (E)-3-(p-(1H-imidazol-1-ylmethyl)phenyl)-2-propenoic acid (OKY-046), a specific thromboxane(TX) A2 synthetase inhibitor: Effect of OKY-046 on II-IV type allergic reactions.
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We studied the effects of OKY-046 on types II, III and IV allergic reactions, as classified by Coombs and Gell. In Type II, OKY-046 at 30-100 mg/kg intraduodenally (i.d.) and at 1-30 mg/kg intravenously (i.v.) inhibited the bronchoconstriction in a dose-dependent manner after Forssman antigen injection. Aspirin (3 mg/kg, i.v.) also suppressed it. OKY-046 (30-100 mg/kg, i.d.) suppressed the increase of TXB<SUB>2</SUB> level in the plasma in a dosedependent manner. However, there was no effect of OKY-046 and aspirin on the decrease in complement activity (CH<SUB>50</SUB>), platelets and leukocytes. Additionally, OKY-046 (300 mg/ kg, p.o.) prolonged the survival time following Forssman antigen injection. However, the immune hemolysis reaction was not prevented by OKY-046 (10<SUP>-6</SUP>-10<SUP>-3</SUP>M). FUT-175 protected against the Forssman shock at 1 mg/kg, i.v. and the in vitro immune hemolysis reaction at 10<SUP>-5</SUP>M. In Type III, OKY-046 (300 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly suppressed the direct passive Arthus reaction and immune complex nephritis in rats. There was no effect of OKY-046 on the delayed-type hypersensitive response to picryl chloride in mice. We think that OKY-046 should be a beneficial drug for the treatment of types II and III allergic reactions.
小松 英忠
市川 潔
菊池 伸次
竹花 泰雄
浜野 修一郎
池田 滋
キッセイ薬品工業 中研
桶川 忠夫
桶川 忠夫
小野薬品工業 (株) 水無瀬研究所
池田 滋
キッセイ薬品工業 (株) 中央研究所
市川 潔
竹花 泰雄
キッセイ薬品工業 (株) 中央研究所
市川 潔
キッセイ薬品工業 (株) 中央研究所
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