Studies on Agar Culture Media for Mycobacterium Tube rculosis:VII. Evaluation of our stored whole blood agar media
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In order to see the effectiveness of our stored whole blood agar media which were prepared for the inoculation of 0.1cc. of specimens either treated with 4% NaOH or neutralized, the authors made the following experiments.<BR>Several serial ten-fold dilutions of the sputa were made according to their Gaffky scale, and then neutralized. Three dilutions of these were inoculated on the culture media to obtain 10 to 200 colonies by which the average number of colonies of the tested cases was calculated. By the average number of colonies and the statistical analysis, the efficacy of the stored whole blood agar media was evaluated and compared with various conventional media. Furthermore, the effect of the storage of the media upon their efficacy was investigated. And the following results were obtained.1. The medium for the inoculation of 4% NaOH treated specimen was examined with sputa from 158 cases. In regard to the average number of colonies, there was no difference in efficacy between our BIT medium and Sugita's stored whole whole blood agar medium, but more colonies were noted on ours tham Uno's stored whole blood agar medium, our modifica tion III Kirchner's agar medium containing serum, 3% Ogawa's egg medium, and 3% Ogawa's egg medium containing pyruvic acid. Secondly, However, statistically there was no significant difference between curs and others with the exception of Sugita's medium.<BR>2. The medium for the neutralized specimens was tested with sputa from 213 cases. As to the average number of colonies, our BI medium showed more colonies than any other media. By the statistical analysis, there was no signif i cant difference among ours, Sugita's and Kamesaki's agar media containing stored whole blood, and Kirchner's agar medium containing serum, while a significant difference was seen between ours and other media, such as, Tarshis' and Uno's agar media containing stored whole blood, 1% Ogawa's egg medium and 1% Ogawa's egg medium containing pyruvic acid.<BR>3. The effect of the storage upon the efficacy of our media was tested with sputa from 6 cases. Their efficacy was unaltered after 5 weeks' storage in a refrigerator.
- 一般社団法人 日本結核病学会の論文
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