Neurilemmoma in the floor of the mouth: report of a case and review of the Japanese literature.
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Neurilemmoma is known to be a relatively rare disease, especially in the regions of the jaw and oral cavity. The majority of such tumors reported have been in the tongue, but occurrence in the floor of the mouth is rare. In this report we presented a case of neurilemmoma in the floor of the mouth together with its electronmicroscopic and histochemical studies, and reviewed 14 cases of neurilemmoma in the region of the floor of the mouth as reported in the Japanese literature.<BR>The patient, a 72-year-old man, was referred by his dentist with a chief complaint of swelling in the right floor of the mouth. He first noted the painless swelling in the right floor of the mouth with no other symptoms about 2 years ago. On physical examination, there was a well-defined nodular mass which was the size of the tip of the thumb. On palpation, 4, part of the mass revealed fluctuation but an attempted aspiration with an 18 gauge needle yielded nothing. Under the clinical diagnosis of benign salivary gland tumor, the lesion was surgically enucleated with little difficulty. The removed spherical mass was encapsulated by thin film, and composed of several multilobulated nodules, measuring 2.7×2.1×1.7cm, 5g in weight. The cut surface revealed the formation of several microcysts 2 to 3mm in diameter. Histopathological study revealed it to be a neurilemmoma of type A and B. In addition, an immunohistochemical study using the antibody of S-100 protein was carried out and revealed the reactivity in parenchymal cell.<BR>Postoperative healing was uneventful and there is no evidence of recurrence after 2 years and 3 months.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
長谷川 博雅
松本歯科大学 口腔病理学講座:松本歯科大学大学院 硬組織疾患病態解析学
千野 武廣
枝 重夫
北村 豊
鹿毛 俊孝
山岸 眞弓美
千野 武廣
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