Studies on the instrumental analysis of fibrous dysplasia in the lower jaw.
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Fibrous dysplasia is a localized condition seen frequently in the femur or tibia, with its relating rate occurrence in the oral cavity. In this report we introduce a case of mandibular monostotic fibrous dysplasia, and present the results of computerized tomography, infrared spectrometry, X-ray diffraction analysis, and X-ray microanalysis.<BR>The patient, a 23-year-old man, was referred to our department with a chief complaint of swelling in the right mandibular osseous body. The condition had been diagnosed at another hospital as fibrous dysplasia by X-ray and histopathological examination. There had been no further swelling or other developments since that time. The patient's face showed a slight asymmetry, and on oral examination, a painless and diffuse area of swelling was noticed in the right mandibular molar region. The lesion was surgically excised with little difficulty. Postoperative healing was uneventful and there is no evidence of recurrence after 1 year and 4 months.<BR>The CT value of the affected region was equivalent to the CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> density of 660-670 mg/cm<SUP>3</SUP>, as compared to only 160-165 mg/cm<SUP>3</SUP> for the healthy region. Infrared spectrometry revealed the chemical components to be Ca<SUB>3</SUB> (PO<SUB>4</SUB>) 2 and CO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP>. In addition, X-ray diffraction analysis resulted in the identification of hydroxyapatite-like crystals. X-ray microanalysis showed an even distribution of Ca and P, and small quantities of Mg, throughout the region.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
長内 剛
松本歯科大学 歯科放射線学講座
丸山 清
赤羽 章司
菅井 敏郎
北村 豊
山岸 眞弓美
千野 武廣
山田 哲男
米田 照男
山口 賢治
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- Studies on the instrumental analysis of fibrous dysplasia in the lower jaw.