A case of adenoid cystic carcinoma appeared in the floor of the mouth.
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A case of adenoid cystic carcinoma which appeared in the floor of the mouth, is presented.<BR>A 75-year-old man visited to our hospital with a chief complaint of a painless tumor in the floor of the mouth. The patient was treated with surgical resection and received a course of postoperative radiation therapy (39 Gray).<BR>Microscopically, the resected material consisted mainly of typical cribriform structure. Electron microscopic observation revealed that the tumor cells were able to divided into the following two cell types; light cell (secretory-like cell) contained a small amount of secretory granules and dark cell (tumoral myoepithelium) without filament structures. Ultrastructural findings suggest that the tumor cells are poorly differentiated.<BR>Postoperatively, the patient made an uneventful recovery and the wound healed satisfactory. There had been no evidence of recurrence, nor any metastasis of this tumor until the last regular observation.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
川上 敏行
植田 章夫
中村 千仁
北村 豊
北村 豊
千野 武広
鹿毛 俊孝
矢ケ崎 崇
中嶌 哲
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