長芋の栽培に関する研究(第4報) : 北海道における種芋の植込み時期,並びに催芽栽培に関する試験成績
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This paper deals with two experiments carried out on the planting time and pre-sprouting treatment of seed pieces in Hokkaido. The results obtained may be summarized as follows: (a) The effect of planting time and pre-sprouting treatment on the growth and yield. Six plots listed as follows were adopted for deter-mining the most desirable planting time of seed pieces in Hokkaido. Plot A: Planted April 13, treated* Plot B: Planted April untreated** Plot C: Planted May 13, treated Plot D: Planted May untreated Plot E: Planted June 13, treated Plot F: Planted June untreated * treated: Seed pieces were first planted in a hot-bed and transplanted to the field when the adventive bud appeared as a small knob. ** untreated: Seed pieces were set in the field directly. 1. While the sprouting time was earlier in seed pieces planted early, the time required for sprouting was longer than that for seed pieces planted later. 2. In treated seed pieces the time for sprouting was shortened remarkably as compared with that for the untreated ones. As compared A with B, A spro-uted 18 days earlier; between C and D, C sprouted 13 days earlier; and between E and F, E sprouted 4 days earlier. 3. With respect to the yield, the earlier the sprouting took place, the larger was the yield. Taking the yield of plot D as 100, the yields of A, B, C, E and F became 129. 9, 109. 0, 119.8, 83.0 and 74. 1 respectively. (b) The effect of the degree of pre-sprouting treatment on the yield and multiple formation of tuberous roots. Four plots as listed below were adopted for a determination of the most desirable degree of pre-sprouting. Plot A: Seed pieces were set in the field directly. (Control) Plot B Seed pieces were treated until the adventive bud was visible. Plot C: Seed pieces were treated until the young stem and the young tuberous root were distinguishable. Plot D: Seed pieces were treated to such an extent that both the stem and the tuberous root were approximately 3cm in length. 1. The seed pieces in treated plots sprouted con-siderably earlier than those in control plot. Among the seed pieces in treated plots, the earliness of sprout emergence had a tendency to occur proportion-ately to the degree of treatment. However, the differences between emergence times of each treated plot were not remarkable. 2. Nearly a quarter of the seed pieces in plots C and D failed to elongate their sprouts above the ground. This is due to sprout damage caused by sudden environmental change. 3. While pre-sprouting treatment raised the yield per plant, plot B alone showed a higher yield based upon area. 4. Occasionally a single plant produces two or more tuberous roots. This phenomenon is designated by the authors as “multiple formation of tuberous roots”. From the standpoint of customary practice in the growing of yams, this is undesirable since it is responsible for more culls. It was further observed that more plants showed multiple formation in treated plots than in control plot. From the results of the two experiments, it may be concluded that seed pieces should be planted early in May in Hokkaido and a slight pre-sprouting as in plot B is recommendable, if the size of tuberous roots is not considered and only a greater yield is desired.
- 園芸学会の論文
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- Development of a Whole Plant from Excised Strawberry Runner Apex Frozen to -196℃
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- ヤマノイモ属(Dioscorea)の性状に関する基礎的研究-1-″ながいも″雌株に着生した花,果実及び種子の構造と発芽過程
- 園芸作物のやく培養に関する研究-5-アスパラガスのやく由来カルスからの茎葉分化
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- アスパラガスの植物学的性状の再検討(第1報)(昭和32年度札幌農林学会大会講演要旨集)
- 長芋の栽培に関する研究(第4報) : 北海道における種芋の植込み時期,並びに催芽栽培に関する試験成績
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- ギョウジャニンニクの開花過程および花粉の発芽と貯蔵
- リンゴ果実及び種子の発育に及ぼす果実発育初期の温度の影響
- リンゴ果実の早期落果に関連する種子内インドール化合物の組織内分布と組織化学的定量
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- ナガイモ茎頂の形態形成に及ぼすオーキシン,サイトカイニンおよび窒素量の影響
- りんごのC-A貯蔵について(予報)(談話会年次講演会講演要旨,昭和38年年次及月例講演会要旨集)
- ニンニクの底盤と花床部由来カルスにおける不定胚の形成と植物体再生
- アスパラガスの形態形成に関する研究 (第2報) : カルス形成および器官分化におよぼす auxin および 6-benzyladenine の影響
- アスパラガスの形態形成に関する研究 (第1報) : 組織培養法による若茎柔組織からのカルス形成
- カナダ農務省サマーランド研究所の概要(談話会月例講演会講演要旨)
- 葱類の分けつに関する研究,第8報 : 各種葱類の分けつ時における葉序方向とその転移について(昭和35年度年次講演会講演要旨集)
- アスパラガス成育の最低限界温度について(昭和35年度年次講演会講演要旨集)
- 葱類の分けつに関する研究,第7報 : 糸葱のわけつ機構について(昭和34年度年次講演会講演要旨集)
- 葱類の分蘗に関する研究(第6報) : 葱に於ける異常葉及び異常分蘗の2.3の例(昭和33年度札幌農林学会大会講演要旨集)
- 園芸作物のやく培養に関する研究-1-アスパラガスのやく培養におけるカルスの誘導と器官分化
- ジネンジョとヤマノイモとの種間雑種の特性について〔英文〕
- リンゴの早期落果と新梢生長との関係
- ネギ類の分蘗に関する研究-6-