温州蜜柑の隔年結果防止に関する研究(第2報) : 花芽の分化感応期間について
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1. In the previous report(5) it is shown that the histological evidence of blossom bud differentiation can not be found until March when the meristematic activity of the growing point initiate. 2. The work has been conducted to determine the time range during which buds can be influenced to initiate blossom primordia. The technique employed in those investigations to determine the extent of the period in which floral differentiation can be induced consisted of bark-ringing, defoliation and defoliation accompanied by ringing at intervals during the fall and winter, Also, forked branches ringed at the base were employed to obtain evidence as to the movement of the flower-inducing substances from leafy branch to the defoliated branch. In the following spring detailed records were taken of the number of blossoms formed on these branches. 3. The trend of blossom/node ratio reflecting the respective periodic ringing or defoliation treatment are diagrammatically represented in figures. Here the percentage value of blossom/node ratio counted in May are plotted as ordinate with the date on which the treatment performed as abscissa. 4. The curve declined as later the ringing is performed and the curve rose as later the defoliation was performed. Later performed the treatments, as the both curves tend to approach each other, the influence became less, and at the point of intersection or closest approach, susceptibility to influence was practically nil. It was near the beginning of March and the percentage value of the nontreated branch was found just to coincident with the point of inter-section. 5. It is assumed very often that the periodic de-foliation of branches offered a means of determining the percentage of buds in which flower inductionn had occurred by the date of treatment. This means that the blossom differentiation took place succes-sively as time elapse. The histological examination, however, as above stated(1) showed that no blossom-bud initiation was found before March. 6. The declining tendency of the curve reflectingthe effect of ringing showed that the blossom-bud differentiation became more and more restricted as time elapsed. It seems that later more and more buds had passed beyond the stage in which ringing-could influence blossom-bud differentiation. 7. It may be safely concluded that earlier ringed the shoot, more abundantly the leaf-synthesizedd substances accumulated by March, this, in turn, in-duced more plorific blossom production in March. Accumulation of the leaf-synthesized substances. by means of bark-ringing induced the blossom for-mation even in the early fall(1) Even fruited branch is proved to bear blossoms by means of ringing. Fruited branch bearing blossoms, is shown in Fig. 4., accompanied by the spring flush and ringed at the base of the both branches. Earlier defoliation induced less accumulation of the leaf-synthesized substances by March (It is shown in the carbohydrate content in the defoliated shoots “Table 1”), and induced only a few blossomm production.
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