A new autoantibody, anti-210kDa microtubule associated protein antibody, detected in the serum of patients with various liver diseases and SLE.
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A new autoantibody to 210kDa microtubule associated protein (MAP) obtained from rabbit liver excrude was detected in the serum with various liver diseases and SLE. As there were no reports concerning autoantibodies to MAPs in animals and human, it may say that anti-210kDa MAP autoantibody we detected was a new cytoskeleton antibody. Using western blotting method, the anti-210kDa MAP autoantibody was frequently found in the patients with alcoholic liver diseases (52.5%), PBC (55.6%), autoimmune hepatitis (83.3%), SLE (71.4%) but rarely in the patients with viral liver diseases (26.4%) and none in normal controls at a serum dilution of 1:10. In addition, at a serum dilution of 1:100, the anti-210kDa MAP autoantibody was found in the patients with alcoholic liver diseses (22.5%), PBC (44.4%), autoimmune hepatitis (66.7%), SLE (71.4%), viral liver diseases (17.0%) and none in normal controls. It was confirmed that the anti-210kDa MAP autoantibody was frequently detected in cases of alcoholic liver diseases, PBC, autoimmune hepatitis and SLE than in those of viral liver diseases and normal control.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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