:II. Studies on UDP-Galactosyl Transferase Activity in the Rat Gastric Mucosal Damage by Phenylbutazone
- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of phenylbutazone on biosynthesis of gastric glycoproteins were studied. UDPgalactosyl transferase activity in phenylbutazone damaged fundic gland area was not changed when compared with control. The pyloric gland area of the phenylbutazone treated group showed lower UDP-galactosyl transferase activity than the control group. When Proglumide, antiulcerous agent, was administrated to rats with gastric mucosa injured by phenylbutazone, UDP-galactosyl transferase activities in fundic and pyloric gland areas were increased when compared with the group treated only with phenylbutazone. From resalts described above it was indicated that Proglumide had antiulcerous effects by activating biosynthesis of gastric mucosal glycoprotein.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
- 討論並び追加 III. 臨床的研究(第4回補体シンポジウム II臨床的研究)
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- 腹水 (内科的主訴とその治療指針)
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- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Light and electron microscopic observation of lymphocytes subsets in liver of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis by immuno-peroxidase method using monoclonal antibodies.
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- A case of drug-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis complicated with severe liver injury.
- :II. Studies on UDP-Galactosyl Transferase Activity in the Rat Gastric Mucosal Damage by Phenylbutazone
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- The statistical and clinical investigation of seroconversion from HBeAg to anti-HBe in type B chronic liver disease
- 超音波パルスドップラー法による各種肝疾患の門脈血行動態の分析
- :II. UDP-galactosyl transferase activity of human gastric mucosa in various gastric diseases
- :I. Studies on Assay Method for UDP-Galactosyl Transferase
- タイトル無し
- 高分化肝細胞癌組織に於ける Kupffer 細胞の存在
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- :I: Basic studies on UDP-galactosyl transferase in human gastric mucosa
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- タイトル無し