HB-Antigen in Autopsied Liver Tissue with Special Reference to Blood Transfused Case
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Recently T. Shikata has detected that HB-Antigen (HB-Ag) could be stained in theliver tissue of paraffine section by using Gomori's aldehyde-fuchsin staining method. Inan attempt to investigate HB-Ag in the liver of the blood transfused case, 149 autopsied caseswhich had been received blood transfusions in this hospital were examined by this method.1) HB-Ag was found in the liver in approximately 10 percent of the cases. 2) HB-Ag wasmore frequently observed in the cases with liver disease than in those with the other diseases.It is suggested that in some cases with liver disease HB-Ag has existed independently of theblood transfusion. 3) In all HB-Ag positive cases histologic changes such as liver cell damage, round cell infiltration, and connective tissue proliferation were observed singly or in combination, but it was difficult to make a definitive diagnosis of viral hepatitis from these findings, because the liver may have been exposed to various kinds of agents in the course of the disease.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- HB-Antigen in Autopsied Liver Tissue with Special Reference to Blood Transfused Case