血漿コレステロールに関する比較生化学的研究-II : 血漿のエステル化コレステロールとLCAT活性の関係
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In five animals, blue crab, crayfish, carp, rat and man; their plasma lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activities were determined from the aspect of comparative biochemistry. The activities of mammalian blood plasma are much higher than those of carp blood and crustacean haemolymph plasma. Moreover, it was found that there is an apparent linear relationship between the LCAT activities and the ratios of cholesterol ester to total cholesterol. But the ratios of triglycerides to total lipids do not correlate with the LCAT activities, differing from the case of the diabetic mellitus patients. Therefore, it is probable that the plasma esterifying rate of cholesterol is governed by the ratios of cholesterol ester/total cholesterol, and it seems that plasma esterofied cholesterol increases with the evolution of animals.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
鹿山 光
万倉 三正
鹿山 光
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