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The principal factor inducing the browning of dried fish products during their storage may be attributable to the so-called rusting of fish oil, but it can not be overlooked the browning of fish meat itself. About the browning of fish meat itself, many researchers are the same in opinion that it is attributable to the Maillard reaction in which reducing sugars, such as ribose, and nitrogenous components in the meat are involved. The authors, however, suppose that insofar as dried fish products are concerned the carbonyl compounds formed through autoxidation of oil is possible to play an important role in the browning. In this point of view the authors made an experiment on the browning of fish meat using several aldehyde (Table 1), ribose and flat-fish muscle protein, freed from reducing sugars and nitrogenous extractives, and confirmed that crotonaldehyde and acetaldehyde both are usual constituents of an autoxidized fish oil and truly enhance the browning, while ribose shows no influence under the same experimental conditions.
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