Trochoid型Vacuum Analyzerの設計図表
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Design charts for trochoidal mass spectrometer as a vacuum analyzer are made for rational determination of the electrode dimension. The fundamental charts, Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6, are calculated by Eqs. (4), (5), (6) and (7), where notations used are shown in Fig. 2. β is a coefficient defined as β=<I>Vo</I>/<I>Ep</I>, where <I>Vo</I>, <I>E</I> and <I>p</I> represent the accelerating voltage of ion, the strength of electric field and the distance between d<SUB>o</SUB> and d<SUB>n</SUB> (refer to Fig. 2), respectively. The spreads <I>X</I> and <I>Y</I> of ion beam, in x and y directions can be obtained from these figures as functions of β and θ.<BR>For example, considering the the conditions <I>X</I><SUB>max</SUB> =<I>Y</I><SUB>max</SUB> and θ≤135°, the relations among (<I>X/a</I>) <SUB>max</SUB> (= (<I>Y/a</I>) <SUB>max</SUB>), <I>p</I>β/<I>a</I> and (<I>s/a</I>) <SUB>min</SUB> are then given, in Fig. 8. From this figure, optimum value for <I>a</I> (i. e. <I>b</I>) corresponding to any value of <I>X</I><SUB>max</SUB>/<I>s</I><SUB>min</SUB> can be odtained. Table 1 shows a typical example of electrode design under the above condition.<BR>Use of Figs. 3, 4, 5, and 6 also makes it easy to draw the path of ion beam.
- 日本真空協会の論文
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- Trochoid型Vacuum Analyzerの設計図表