- 論文の詳細を見る
The memory effect of a sputter ion pump was observed by the mass spectrometric analysis of gases in the vacuum spparatus evacuating with the sputter ion pump and the Hickman pump in parallel. When sample gas, helium or neon, is introduced into the apparatus, concentration of impurity gases in the apparatus changes according to the working condition of the pumping system. If the apparatus is evacuated with the Hickman pump only, the impurity concentration is usually low, while the concentration increases with the working of the sputter Ion pump. This phenomena show the memory effect of the sputter ion pump. The results also show that the main impurity gases in the present case are hydrogen, carbon monoxide and neon depending on the short-period histry of the sputter ion pump, and that deuterium absorbed by the pump about one year ago appears as HD.
- OB座談会 麻布(六本木)地区での生研 (50周年誌)
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