Human Lymphocyte Antigen in Meniere's Disease
- 論文の詳細を見る
Typing of Class I antigen of HLA-A, Aw, B, Bw, Cw and Class II antigen of HLA-DR, DRw, DQw was done in 44 Japanese patients with Meniere's disease (21 bilateral and 23 unilateral). None of them had a family history of Meniere's disease.<BR>HLA-Bw 52 antigen was found in 23% and HLA-DRw8 in 8% of the patients. The frequency of the former was higher and that of the latter was lower than in healthy control (N=120); however, the difference was not significant after corrections were done for the number of antigens tested. <BR>There was no significant difference in the frequency of the antigen in those with bilateral or unilateral involvement.
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