Treatment of Meniere's disease. Comparison of prednisolone and Ketas.:-Comparison of Prednisolone and Ketas®-
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Since Hanser's first report (1959), there have been a few reports describing steroid therapy of Meniere's disease. The first aim of this study is the demonstration of the effectiveness of a steroid, prednisolone, in the treatment of Meniere's diseases.In 13 patients (12 with Meniere's disease, one with delayed endolymphatic hydrops), the oral administration of prednisolone (average 15mg/day) caused significant( p<0.005) reduction of low-tone hearing loss, vertigo, dizziness and tinnitus.The second aim of this study is the search for and confirmation of an effective alternative to steroids to avoid their side effects and dependency. A new anti-allergic and vasodilator agent, Ketas®, which is antagonistic to leukotriene D4 and potentiated the activity of prostacyclin, was given in a dose of 3 capsules/day immediately after steroid therapy to the same patients. There was a significant (p<0.005) improvement of hearing and reduction of dizziness and tinnitus. In a single dose given to 19 patients it caused significant (p<0.005) reduction of the same symptoms.The importance of an alternative to steroids in the treatment of Meniere's disease is emphasized, and the contribution of autoimmunity in the etiology of Meniere's disease is discussed.
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