Splenectomy and related immunological studies in children
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Twenty-two children underwent splenectomy for congenital spherocytosis or chronic thrombocytopenia. The splenectomized patients have been recognized to be susceptible to severe infections. The patients were studied immunologically one week before operation, three times during the first postoperative month, two months, one and two years later.The activity of the phagocytosis-stimulating peptide, tuftsin, was decreased in the serum of 10 of 12 splenectomized patients. A transitory rise in neutrophils and serum IgA was seen postoperatively. Moderate decline in serum IgM conentration was observed for one year. The in vitro lymphocyte transformation response to PHA fell in the short postoperative period. The lymphocyte subpopulations in the peripheral blood were normal. The quantitative NBT test and the release of superoxide anion O_??_ which were done in 12 cases revealed no decrease by splenectomy except one case with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.These immunological abnormalities such as tuftsin deficiency and serum IgM decrease may cause the severe bacterial infections after splenectomy in childhood.
- 日本臨床免疫学会の論文
宮崎 澄雄
角田 茂
合屋 長英
原 寿郎
柴田 瑠美子
薙野 久法
吉田 信之
原 寿郎
九州大学医学研究院 成長発達医学分野(小児科)
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- タイトル無し
- Splenectomy and related immunological studies in children
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