日本臨床免疫学会 | 論文
- Rising Star Symposium 3 全身性エリテマトーデスにおけるCalcium/Calmodulin-dependent protein Kinase type IVの役割
- P8-004 HC gp-39は関節炎においてFoxp3+Tregに発現し抗原特異的Th1およびTh17を抑制する
- P5-008 Gonadotropin分泌不全に対しステロイド治療が奏功したIgG4関連視床下部下垂体炎の1例
- Heterogeneity of LAK cells by investigation of class I and II antigen on target cells.
- A case of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's granulomatosis) manifested with asymptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage
- Hypogammaglobulinemia with impaired T-cell function: suspected maturational defect from CD4+CD45R+ to CD4+CD45R- phenotype.:suspected maturational defect from CD4+CD45R+ to CD4+CD45R- phenotype
- A case of Sjögren's syndrome presenting as trigeminal nerve palsy
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- Gene analysis on the origin of severe combined immunodeficiency disease and agammaglobulinemia.
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- Killer cells and their effector mechanisms
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- Study on systemic lupus erythematosus activity and serum lymphocyte-associated immunoglobulin which is quantified with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
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- Present day liver transplantation.Present condition of liver transplantation and future problems.
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- Peripheral T cell responses to retinal s-antigen, streptococcal cell wall antigen and PHA in Behcect's disease. With special reference to IL-2 receptor and ornithine decarboxylase activity on CD8+ cells.:with special reference to IL-2 receptor and ornithi
- Studies on the heterogenity of cytotoxic lymphocytes generated by mixed culture with autologous Epstein-Barr virus-transformed cell line:With special reference to Interleukin-2-Activated Killer
- Studies on K-cell Population in Normal Children and Patients with Leukemia and Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis