Activation cross section of 92Mo(n,n'.ALPHA.)88Zr at 14 MeV.
Ikeda Yujiro
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Nagoya University
KATOH Toshio
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya University
Kawade Kiyoshi
Department Of Energy Engineering And Science Nagoya University
Katoh Toshio
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Iida Toshiyuki
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Osaka University
Iida Toshiyuki
Department Of Electronic Information Systems And Energy Engineering Guraduate School Of Osaka Univer
Yamamoto Hiroshi
Departmemt Of Chemical Engineering University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Akito
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
ATSUMI Hiroaki
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya University
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya University
Department of Reactor Engineering, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
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